The owners of Nusantara Archipelago need your help! Should the founders develop or conserve its natural resources? The decision is in your hands.
Edmund is the Reef Stakes’ game concept and designs guy. A beach boy from Port Dickson, he considers the sea as his playground. Passion for corals reefs has guided him to a Masters in Mangrove-Coral Reef connectivity and is now a Programme Manager with Reef Check Malaysia. In his free time, he enjoys watching movies and football; especially when Negeri Sembilan, Leeds United and Argentina are playing.
Hui Ling is currently event and media relations manager of the Reef Stakes project. A graduate in Marine Science, she formerly took on roles in Communications and Marine Conservation at WWF-Malaysia. Currently, her full-time work and project commitments involve coordination and management of people and events. Her creative outlets include designing print media and electronic media. She has recently discovered the fascinating world of podcasts and aspires to emulate the voice talents in the not too distant future.
Yew Aun handles Reef Stakes’ strategy and content writing. Currently in the civil service, he read Aquatic Biology at university and went on to pursue an MSc. in Biodiversity & Conservation at Brasenose College. He enjoys scuba diving, movies and prefers dates over raisins. Yew Aun is a strong believer in the power of naps and writes in his free time.
The youngest in the team, Serena takes on a communication role. She ensures that Reef Stakes makes waves in the media and reaches the intended audience. A graduate in Marine Biology, she currently spearheads shark conservation in WWF-Malaysia and believes that giving back to Mother Nature is everyone’s duty. She snacks on Nasi Lemak everyday (almost) and enjoys brewing her cup of coffee while listening to the daily show by Trevor Noah. Her ambition in life is to be a Yogi but admits to procrastinate too much on that thought.