Reef Stakes® @ CELC 2019, Mabul Island, Semporna

Reef Stakes® headed to Sabah to participate in the Community Environmental Leadership Camp (CELC) 2019 held in Mabul Island, Semporna from 9-12 December 2019.
CELC 2019 is a capacity building and development program for the underserved coastal community in Sabah particularly the young people. The ultimate goal of this camp is to explore the leadership potential of this coastal community and enhance their capacity to drive the solution or action in their respective areas. The camp greeted 13 community groups from the coastal area in Sabah. 
Reef Stakes® was invited to bring our game to the local youth community to show them a different tool that can be used in environmental education. Although our card games are currently only available in English, we were very grateful to have our group of dedicated camp facilitators who helped us translate and explain the game in Bahasa Malaysia. Our game highlighted a few issues close to heart such as stakeholders excluded, fish bombing, cyanide fishing and marine debris. We reinforced the impact of these issues visually through the mechanism of the game and we are glad to find out that the participants picked up the messages we hoped to convey. 
Reef Stakes® is inspired by the passion the participants have shown to protect the environment surrounding their community. We hope that the game will give them ideas to boost their effort in raising awareness about protecting coral reefs and its ecosystem. We hope we will be able to bring the Bahasa Malaysia version of Reef Stakes to these community soon! Till then, keep making waves!
Reef Stakes would like to extend gratitude to Green Semporna and WWF-Malaysia for inviting us to the camp and providing us with a platform to reach out to the youth communities in Sabah! 

About the author: admin

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