Wildlife Conservation Society Malaysia conducts two Reef Stakes® sessions in Sarawak

WCS Malaysia* was one of the organisations to get their hands on the exclusive 1st edition of Reef Stakes®. They wasted no time in using the game for good by conducting two sessions in Sarawak!

Trialling Reef Stakes®

The first game session was with environmental activists and local influencers from the Kuching Beach Cleaners and Sarawak Eco-Warriors. We’re pleased to know that all players loved the game as it simulates real life struggles in reaching a balance between conservation and development.


Members of the groups were also keen on involving Reef Stakes for future conservation education programs.


Volunteers explaining the game flow


Reef building! (notice the shark)

A second game session was held during the Swinburne Sarawak Inter-School Debating Championship (SSIDC) which involved over 300 debaters and teachers from 31 secondary schools from Malaysia and Indonesia. A huge thank you to the Swinburne Sarawak Green Club who assisted in facilitating and teaching the participants.


*The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) founded in 1895 in New York, aims to save wildlife and wild places worldwide through science, conservation action, education, and inspiring people to value nature. WCS envisions a world where wildlife thrives in healthy lands and seas, valued by societies that embrace and benefit from the diversity and integrity of life on earth. Our goal is to conserve the world’s largest wild places in 16 priority regions, home to more than 50% of the world’s diversity.

In Malaysia, WCS works in partnership with Government agencies and NGOs to conserve and protect our natural environment. The WCS Malaysia works in Sarawak, Johor and Pahang, and focuses on conserving orang-utans, tigers, elephants, sharks and rays.

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